This is a story about a girl

This is a story. This story is about a girl. This is a story about a girl who was overwhelmed by the world. Her story is all-consuming and cycles through both the good and bad, as many girl’s stories begin.

This girl was afraid to speak. She was afraid to open her mouth and utter the truth. She sobbed the first day of elementary school music class because she didn’t have her parents permission to play an instrument. This girl needed    to     be    loved.

This is the story about a girl who felt smaller and more fleeting that the wind in each shallow breathe she passed, waiting to be told how much she mattered. This is a story about a girl who locked herself in the closet because she was afraid of herself…and afraid of being attacked by words that stung and cut deep into her skull…and even more afraid of the men who might come to take something of hers she hadn’t given permission to take. This girl grew up misguided. Untrusting. Begrudging those who had made it near impossible to speak.

This little girl grew up and found things. This story is about the things she found and how she used them over and over again to cure her of her ever-present fear that one day, not too far in the future…someone would confirm her insignificance. This is the story about a girl who found boys and replaced her constant fear of incompetency with their affection….and when that didn’t work, she replaced their affection with a blade.

This girl was expected to succeed. Expected to excel. This girl was not inspired to, but expected to, be great…and that’s exactly what she did…or tried to be at least. Constant affection could not remove the dull pain of rejection or abuse or mental masochism…so she went on. Boy after boy turned into man after man and this girl wondered if it would ever end…a constant result shown through in each of her sojourns into liberation: She wasn’t pretty. She wasn’t talented. She wasn’t smart. She wasn’t “right”

This story about a girl turned into one about a girl and a boy. A boy so masterful at the art of storytelling, that ever utter of affection sent this girl to the moon…and made her believe that this time, the pain may subside. This boy made her feel special and important and taken-care of…which she had never truly felt before. This boy built lies around this girl like cards in the shape of a cage, blocking out all other light, but keeping her enthralled in his stories.

This boy had found another girl….and had been for some time. The cards that fell broke every illusion she had. Every feeling of trust, trust that she felt would never falter, instantly shattered. Weakness and self-deprecation took hold of this girl and blades weren’t the only thing she used to prove how worthless she was. Brick walls, sinks, forks, pencils….until she was taken and shaken and moved and isolated and finally…talked to.

Someone cared again…not a boy…not a friend. This girl found a listener who told her who she was living life for and how she had come to such a lonely and helpless state. This girl listened as the listener herself spoke of hidden power, unrequited love, relentless dedication to continued self-excellence…and the girl began to believe what she was being told.

This is the story about a girl who has since emerged from the shadows and into the light on her own accord. This is the story about a girl who is now labeled ‘cautious’ but brave. Being burned by a fire makes you more weary when you start to feel the heat come close and the girl knew that, one day she would extinguish that fire herself…and maybe find someone to show her it was real.

This girl saw her life change in the most beautiful ways….and though this cautious girl still struggled with her life and her self-doubt and occasional self-deprecation…she lived to the fullest and drank every moment of life as if its sweet taste (each moment) could never be replicated again.

In bouts of healing and growing this girl….met this boy. He was unabashedly excited for life and took her by the hand to prove a point and the point was this: you cannot wait for the slings of misfortune to misguide your life down an untraceable path. We make our destiny based upon the goodness we share with others…and this girl couldn’t agree more.


Feelings of doubt surfaced, just as they always had….not about this boy….but because this, all of this, just seemed too close to her fantasy. Was this another house of cards? Was this the beginning of another end? Had she been lead to meet this boy for a reason?

How could he ever understand that her fear for the future, matched her excitement for it. This girl herself could not understand what exactly was different about this boy…only the fact that something was different. Something was very different about this boy.

This is the list she made in hopes that a small attempt at conveying her deepest emotions may prove to be useful:

1. Respect that I love you…..I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this list if I didn’t

2. Grow with me…just as I with you and however much longer we have to grow together will only teach me a better, more fulfilling way to live life.

3. Show me….patience and understanding. Though the fire is long gone, the embers burn as their slow descent to into non-existence cause me to forget how blessed I truly am to be with you.

4. Teach me…how you are as strong away from me as you are with me.

5. Understand that, I will never stop fighting for what I believe to be right. I will never stop dreaming 5 steps ahead because I have to believe that good is waiting for all of us. I will never stop loving you, in some form or another.

Most importantly ..this girl did not call upon the demons of her past to banish the stress of her present. She is happily living a life that has no script. That is a story about this girl.

And that’s how Cassidy Reed ruined SA meetings forever

Cassidy wrung her small, delicate hands in her lap as she sat, waiting in anticipation for the meeting to start. She had been dreading this Thursday for the past two weeks but now that it was here, she really had no option of escape. Jump out the window? No windows. Create a diversion and sneak out the back? She was by her self and didn’t have a decoy to distract the group. There was no way out of this.

She finally decided to stop fidgeting and rest her sweat soaked palms on her brand new BCBGMAXAZRIA dress. It had cost a pretty penny….but it was really really pretty. As she stared blankly at her hands, dreading the group leader’s opening words, her loose bun came out of place and blonde locks fell around her face, enveloping her in a curtain of hair. She felt safe here. Maybe if she just stayed behind this wall no one would notice her.

“Why, Cassidy! I haven’t seen you in, what, eight weeks?!” boomed a female voice from the other side of the circle. Cassidy peaked out of the curtain of hair to see a familiar face. Quickly realizing she most likely looked demonic, she brushed her hair aside to force a smile at woman. She heaved out of her chair (all two-hundred and fifty pounds of her) and made a bee-line toward Cassidy. She was draped in rich maroon silk and donned black slacks. (No doubt some “slim-fast” tip she had read in the latest issue of Teen Weekly though she was only shy of 45 years old.) She was dripping in costume jewelry a every heavy step she took across the circle blinded Cassidy as auditorium lights glared into her eyes. The woman (we’ll call her Jackie) quickly lumbered through the entire circle of 20 or so other individuals…all looking as distracted and not-willing-to-start-a-conversation as Cassidy was. No backing out once eye-contact was made though.

“Cassidy! Don’t I even get a hello?”

“Sorry, um..Jackie, I didn’t even recognize you.” Cassidy stuttered as she looked up at Jackie from her seated position.

“Oh heavens, you’re probably noticing my new blouse from Sax! Isn’t it just stunning?” gushed Jackie, touching herself and enjoying how she felt in the sheer carpet that hid her weight.

“Looks great Jackie” Cassidy forced with a smile.

“Allright ladies and gentlemen let’s get started with our meeting” boomed Mr.Liege from the center of the circle. Cassidy hadn’t even notice that he had made his entrance and had already planted himself in the center of the circle. His lanky figure was tightly formed within a tweed vest, complete with the antique gold pocket watch he wore, without fail, to every single meeting. He eyed Jackie and Cassidy above the bridge of his long, crooked nose and Jackie quickly got the hint, assuming her position on the other side of the circle and taking a seat in the cold, creaky metal chairs.

“Let’s begin the meeting as usual,” Mr.Liege announced, taking great care to make eye contact with each and every individual in the circle before taking his own seat within the circle. “Let’s start with a new face this time….” he spoke a little softer as his eyes clicked back and forth between the new-comers

“I’ve been here before,” Cassidy thought to herself “he wouldn’t pick me to start….I’ve been here before.” Her hands started to sweat again.

“Cassidy!” Mr.Liege said in such a matter-of-fact manner. “Why don’t you start us off? We haven’t seen you in a while and we would all just love to hear what you’ve been up to.”

Cassidy’s thoughts raced, “oh shit. that’s me.” She took a deep breath, wiped her hand once more against the soft fabric of her dress and stood up. She looked over the sea of people….all here for the same reason. Their faces said it all: They hadn’t made it though treatment and that’s why they were here. They had relapsed. They all had the same obsession as Cassidy.

“Hello,” Cassidy spoke, embarrassed by the inflection in her voice. She wasn’t vapid…she was nervous. “My name is Cassidy Reed, I’m 23 years old, and I’m a shopaholic.”

“Hi Cassidy” the entire group sang out in a muted chorus.

“It’s been about….3 hours since my last shopping fix….and before that I had been off of it for….2 and a half weeks.” Cassidy felt ashamed and quickly sat back in her seat. Sensing Cassidy’s discomfort, Mr.Liege spoke:

“Cassidy there’s no need to be ashamed. This is a safe place here and we are all so proud of the progress you’ve made. Isn’t that right?” Mr.Liege addressed the crowd at this point who all responded with heavy nods.

One man began to spoke “Well, I’m Mickey, I’m 58 years old and I’ve been off the strip malls for about 3 months now.” His thick Irish accent caught Cassidy’s attention and she looked up at the short, bearded man who was, of course, dressed impeccably. He to donned a vest but it seemed to be made of a much nicer quality of Mr.Liege’s. His slacks were perfectly ironed and his blazer was dazzling…but his shoes….his shoes were the definition of well-kept and classic.

“But it’s so focking hard these days…with the holidays comin’ up.” Mickey began again, almost slightly angered.

“I’d been goin’ steady and mah wife Marie, bless her soul, was doin’ everything she could to help me. We had sold….six…pairs of my best Cole Hanns.” At this comment Mickey looked down and bit his thumb. A fellow Shopaholic Annomyous attendee put their hand on his shoulder in empathy. He began again. “It’s just so focking hard seeing so many…beautiful shoes. I walk down the street and I see a man with brand new loafers and I wanna’…I just wanna take ’em and run, you know?” Mickey continued, almost breathless “The worst was when I went to the mall…..for mah’ blessed Marie, of course. I was jus’ minding my own business but then it happened. I walked past a Stride Rite…yah’ know, the store for little children and I found the most bEautiful pair of patten leather kicks…with tassels and all. I thought to myself ‘Mickey, get a hold of yourself man, they’re just for babies!’ but I couldn’t walk past. They seemed to beckon to me and maybe, I thought, that I would get home and wouldn’t ever get those goddam shoes outta mah head!” Mickey began to clearly perspire at this point. “So, I walked into the store..I just wanted to hold ’em”

“What happened next Mickey?” Mr.Liege asked calmly. Everyone else in the circle seemed to cling on his every word. Accent and all, he told a very compelling tale.

“Well…” Mickey shrunk lower in his chair “I….I bought them.” A quick intake of breath could be heard ’round the circle and even Cassidy cringed, knowing exactly how Mickey had felt at that point. She herself had once bought a dress from Anthropologie that was two sizes too large…but the collar was in style and she….she just had to get it. ‘What if I never see another one like it again?’ ‘What if this is the only kind they’ll ever make?’ These were only a few of the thoughts that comforted her and undoubtedly many other SA attendees and these were the thoughts that comforted her as she walked out of Anthropologie that day, purchase in hand.

By the end of her daydreaming Mickey had gained his composure and settled back into his chair. The comforting pats of other members surrounding him.

Suddenly, Cassidy had the strangest, and most out-of-the-ordinary urge to speak. Before the better side of her conscious stopped her, she stood up, unannounced and uncalled on.

“You know what? I think you’re a brave man Mickey! So what if we get ‘the urge’ once in a while? So what if we don’t always make the most rational decisions while shopping but we…..we are on the front lines people!” Cassidy’s fists clenched….she felt like Jean Valjean before the French Revolution. “Okay, so maybe we do slip up a couple times…a week…maybe a day…but…but shopping just makes the world a better place and I don’t think I would want to live in a world without stores. I couldn’t even imagine what I would do without those adorable little boutiques in cities you’ll never visit again, or department stores or strip malls or thrift shops or…or Goodwill. Our need to shop is more than just an obsession people….it’s a lifestyle.” The crowd nodded in agreement, some even muttered a charged “yah” or “that’s right”

Mr.Liege was beginning to feel the group becoming unhinged by Cassidy’s speech. “Thank you very much for that Cassidy, now if you can take yo-”

“And if we weren’t going out there and doing our good dead as American citizens, how much do you think our economy would suffer? How much longer do we have to kid ourselves. We need to shop. This isn’t a question of what’s right and wrong, this is simply our reaction to seeing beauty in art…art we can wear and live our lives in.”

The crowd stood to their feet and some started to cheer. Even Mickey got to his feet.

“You know what? I lied, I got this dress 20 minutes before this meeting started! And you know what else? It felt better than….better than an orgasm!”

…….oh shit, she lost the crowd. Perplexed looks.

“I mean, those are great too but…..we all love shopping, right?” Cassidy was back on track

“Yah!” The group shouted

“So why don’t we celebrate our purchases? I propose that we use these meeting to swap war stories about our time on the front lines…or more like, in the lines. At the stores, on the streets. Share out stories and our love of shopping!”

“Mr.Liege,” Mickey shouted, standing on a chair. Mr. Liege had stood on the outside of the crowd that had gathered in front of Cassidy, clearly trying to determine how to reign in the group.

“Mr.Liege I think your time is done here!”

“But I run this rehabilitation group for Christs’ sake! The only reason why any of you even know each other is because brought you here!”

“Well…maybe we don’t need your guidance anymore. I think we can take care of each other.” This time Jackie piped up.

Cassidy (now standing on a chair herself at this point) looked at the chaos she had created. She realized how right this felt. How right it was to finally celebrate her little obsession with shopping and how many people she could share it with. She felt changed. Renewed, even. And as she once again glided her hands over the soft cotton of her newly purchased dress, she felt happy to be wearing it. She felt proud, even, to know that she had taken an active role into bringing about a sheer and untamed happiness that now was unleashed and released upon the group. She was a happy girl.

And that’s how Cassidy Reed ruined Shopaholic Anonymous meetings forever.

Poison & Wine (Part I)

126804545727662980_vH5mX571I wake up slowly to the aroma of coffee that wafts above my head and through the small gap in the open window. The sheets rustle as I turn to my side to look out the window, evaluating the time, of course. It’s mid-morning (about 8am judging by the heavy grey clouds that loom above my apartment) and the air is cool and crisp. Methodically, I stretch my legs and ballerina-point my toes to wake up my still-tired legs. Running my fingers though my hair, I lift my head from the pillow to see Katniss, my restless feline companion, fully awake and ready to pounce for her overdue affection. Curiosity is what caught my eye at the shelter when I first saw her and immediately (without any thought to what Randy, the landlord, might say) I swept her up in my arms and we’ve been pals ever since. I’ve jolted out of my sleepy fog and warm memories of that day back the shelter by Katniss, who is now audibly impatient. She circles the light-blue down comforter and wines…my cue that it’s time to for breakfast.

The automatic coffee pot is a blessing in so many ways. An alarm clock by osmosis, the day begins with an aroma that makes my nerves vibrate and foreshadows (what could be) another exhilarating day. And just like that I’m up, feet hitting the wood paneled floor and Katniss is already leaps and bounds ahead of me, cantering toward the small kitchenette in hopes of snagging some ‘people’ food before I serve up the Fancy Feast.

The metal panelling of the house has always made the place seem colder than it really is so I bundle up tighter in my soft ivory sweater. Though massively inconvenient as it was to be pulling sweaters out of the closet daily, I had insisted on an boho-chic motif for my new apartment in my new city…and thus, my new lifestyle.

The kitchenette is, again, small (the understatement of the century) but still has everything I need. I instinctively pull my hair out of my face and manage to put together the messy bun I’ve been perfecting over the past 25 years. I grab for more essentials: a pan, a kettle, a spatula, salt & pepper, eggs. It’s the first weekend after my new job in the city and I’m determined to make it my own…a brief moment in time I could really enjoy looking back on and thinking “I finally did it.” I turn to set the table as oil begins to sizzle in the pan. Table for…one apparently. Being new to a break up, I instinctively reach for two forks in the drawer and slowly put one back. I keep forgetting how to be a party of one.

Katniss, on the other hand, hasn’t forgotten her Fancy Feast that has yet to be prepped to her liking. Her soft purr turns turns back to a shrill cry for attention. Soft paws bat my feet and I remember my place: Fancy Feast first.

As soon as her food is spooned out onto a thrifted ceramic plate depicting a variety of colorful fish, I bring my record player to life, letting the sound of The Civil Wars fill the kitchen. I glide over to the eggs as Poison & Wine begins to play and I feel like humming. I couldn’t win a Grammy, but I do believe that my voice had the potential to soothe a fussy child in the right circumstances. I sway with the harmonies of the folk-singing duo and I am taken back to the time Kay and I used to dance together in our even-smaller L.A. apartment. He loved catching me off-guard with a swift dip and we would sway to the music together for what seemed like hours. His warm hands would reach for my neck, his stubble would brush against my warm cheek. He leaned in for a passionate kiss……when Katniss once again jolts me out of my hazy daydream. I had forgotten to refresh her water…thanks Katniss.

Daydreaming like this hasn’t lead to much good so I quickly draw a new bowl of water for her and get back to the task at hand: eggs-over-easy.