Thank you, my love.


Endless words have been written on this…what we call love.

Many lives lost and reborn in the search for what I know to be true with you.

Great pains have been suffered before here so that where I stand now has indeed been fought for; and earned; and truthful.

I cannot help but bask in the notion that what we hold between us is the Genesis self-discovery, though I know others share my sentiment.

For when I stand within your reach, I feel such an overwhelming sense of true worth and honesty, which I know cannot be fake; cannot be mass produced; cannot be rehearsed.

You are every bit as naive as I and every bit as intolerable as I, for which I can both apologize for and forgive.

For we are merely souls, drowning in a sea of self-doubt, only to be saved by a hand to pull us through and pick us up and cleanse our damped hearts with the warm and glorious sun.

Recoiling into a state of self harming thoughts may have been part of our own arsenal of slings and arrows, but outrageous fortune has found a way to bring together two volatile souls…yours being mine to treasure.

Your hand in mine is washing away my fear, and my past transgressions are finally being laid to rest because for the first time in these weary days have I truly come to understand the meaning of real, honest love.

So often must we make our past our ever-present examples as to why. Why anything. Because everything. We see ourselves as we have lived, not as our potential to live greatly.

I have changed for me. I have changed because of you. I will thrive for us.

Thank you, my love.